Peace of mind comes in knowing that your property is being watched and cared for by trained, tested, and trusted professionals. As home watch professionals we have to keep up with today’s home features and best practices for the security of your home. We are affiliate partners with Your Home Watch Professionals where we constantly stay in communication with knowledgeable professionals in our trade, we receive valuable training. Don’t just give your keys to the neighbor and think everything will be just fine. All good intentions aside, when you leave your property for an extended period of time, you want to ensure that a regimented and trained professional will visit your home top to bottom, inside and outside.
What if your neighbor forgets to check the home during your absence and there is a leak? What if your air conditioning system stops to work in the middle of summer? What if the residence, above you, has a flood? What if the pool guy leaves the water hose running and your pool overflows? What if the toilet leaks? What if creatures find their way into your home and make it their own? What if you left food in your fridge and there is a power outage? Contact us – Before your WHAT IF becomes a VERY NASTY REALITY!!
You’ve heard about home watch but, why in the world do you need it? A vacant home is a vulnerable home. Home Watch is a vital service for all seasonal residents. The market is currently served by “Neighbors Doing Favors”, well-meaning individuals, “Hobby Home Watchers” and some people who are just taking advantage of residents who are not here.

Change or Clean AC Filters
Smoke Detector Batteries
Check screens and windows for lock status or tamper
Check for signs of water damage, mold, and mildew
Check for signs of pest issues
Cycle water in showers, sinks, toilets, dishwasher, laundry machine, and garbage disposal
Check the Circulator Pump; that should be OFF
Verify AC and humidistat settings; adjust as necessary
Check refrigerator, freezer, and wine cooler for proper temp and operation
Check circuit breaker panels
Check garage for tamper, lock, critters, and garbage
Check every ceiling, wall, floor, window, door

Outdoor light fixture condition
Lights that need bulbs
Check screens and windows for tamper or damage
Check AC unit
Check pool water levels and pool equipment
Check lanai for tamper or damage
Check grounds for water or pest issues

Customer Requested Plan
Custom Schedule
Change Smoke Detector Batteries
Meet and Greet Rental Guests
Visit when Rental Guests Depart
Allow Access & Lock-Up for Contractors
Hurricane Preparation
Season Specific Projects
Emergency Services
Depending on the emergency found during a home visit or if reported to us, on your behalf; we will take the most reasonable and safest actions to protect your home. First, we will stop the problem if possible (ie: shutting off AC if a line freezes). Then we will evaluate the situation and identify a solution. Our goal is to be able to have a solution for you when we first call, to eliminate as much stress and time lapsed damage as possible.
Just so you understand some of the things we have seen that may constitute “some” level urgency, we provide here some food for thought…
1. A common occurrence given we are in Florida is that exterior AC hoses can freeze up. Your Home Watch Professional specifically looks for this. The correction is often something easy like charging the system, adjusting the controls, freon, etc. We are able to manage this for you using our trusted resources.
2. Another common issue is flooding. Whether a pipe happens to go bad, issues break a sprinkler head, or mother nature beats us up; your Home Watch Professional keeps an eye out for water damage and as always, with our trusted resources, we can offer you fast and economical solutions for these urgent times.
3. One Home Watch Professional found an infestation of bugs dead at many windows inside the house. This required additional clean-up and inquiry in the industry what are the bugs, where are they from, do we need to be concerned about them coming back? The customer then decides if they wish to treat for pests.