Is Granite Going Out of Style?

Is it true? Could granite’s 30-year reign be coming to an end? We can’t say for sure. In fact, we think granite remains a solid choice. After all, it’s both durable and attractive — and it’s become increasingly affordable too. But there’s just no denying granite’s...

Summer Safety: Tips to Prevent Food Poisoning

Summertime is filled with special occasions focused on family, friends, and food. While cookouts and picnics are fun, food preparation and storage is a serious consideration in the summer months. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that each...

Ten Tips for Safe Holiday Decorating

The holiday season is always a favorite for flair- but all the extra lights, candles, and decorations can lead to a dangerous setting. GK Homes is here to protect your home throughout the year, and wants you to stay safe throughout the Holidays, and your holiday...